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What exactly is IPO?

IPO is an acronym for Initial Public Offering which is the process of changing a privately owned business into a publicly owned business. This also provides the opportunity for smart investors to make a substantial profit on their investment.

Making investments in IPO could be a smart choice. However, not every IPO is a good investment. Risks and benefits go hand-in-hand. Before you jump on the party, it's essential to know the basics.

IPO Meaning and How it functions?

The term "Initial Public Offering" (IPO) is defined as the procedure by the course of which

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a private business or company can go public by selling a percentage of their stakes to shareholders. An IPO is usually used to inject new capital to the company and facilitate the trading of the assets that are already in use or increase money for the next capital needs or to make money from investments of existing shareholders.

PO Meaning and How it functions? Institutional investors, high net-worth individual (HNIs) as well as the public can find information about the initial offering of shares through details of the ipo online. The details provide the specifics of the proposed offering.

After the IPO has been completed and those shares owned by the company are listed and traded in the market. The stock exchange has an unrestricted free float for the shares, both in absolute terms as well as by a percentage of

IPO Meaning and How it functions?

Types of IPO

There are two types of IPO. They are:

Fixed Price Offering
Fixed Price IPO could be called the price at which companies decide to set for the initial selling of its shares. Investors are informed about the cost of the shares that the company chooses to sell to the public.

Book Building Offering
For book development, the business that is launching an IPO gives the possibility of a price band of 20% for the shares to investors. Investors who are interested bid for shares prior to when the final price is set. Investors are required to indicate the amount of shares they plan to purchase as well as the amount they're prepared to spend per share.

The price at which shares are traded is called floor price, while the highest value of the stock is referred to as the cap price. The final decision on the value of shares is made by bids from investors.

What are the best ways to make an investment into an IPO?

There are certain steps that an investor should take to ensure they are on the right path to prosperity and be aware of how IPO operate in India. The steps investors have to adhere to are:

The Decision
The first action for an investor is to choose the IPO the investor would like to pursue. While the investors already in place may have experience however, it might be difficult for new investors. The investors can make their own opinions by searching the details of the ipo online of the company which are preparing to go public with an IPO.The investors get a better understanding of the business plan as well as its motives for acquiring shares on the market.

What are the best ways to make an investment into an IPO?

If an investor has come to the decision about the IPO that he wants to participate in, the next step is to set up the money in the bank account, as now when an investor bids for an ipo online the amount needed for the subscription is just blocked in the bank account.

Setting up a Demat-cum trading account
Investors must have a Demat account to apply for an IPO. The primary function of the Demat account is that it provides investors with the capability to save the shares of financial security and others electronically. It is possible to open an online Demat account by submitting an Aadhaar card or PAN card, as well as address, and identity proofs and few more simple steps.

The process of applying / bidding
Once an investor has set up the demat-cum trading account the investor can apply online in an IPO in few clicks and making use of his/her UPI id to block the amount in his/her bank account. The investor must be acquainted with what is known as the Application Supported by Blocked Account (ASBA) facility. ASBA is an application that allows banks to block funds from the bank account of the applicant and unblock in case the allotment is not done to the applicant.

In many instances demand for shares could be greater than the number of stocks that are sold on markets that are secondary. There are also instances when he receives less quantity of shares than the buyer had requested. In such cases, banks will unblock the money either completely or part. Once the shares are allotted, they are transferred to the investor's demat accounts.

If the steps mentioned above are followed successfully After that, the investor has be patient for listing of their stocks on the market for shares. The process usually takes seven days from the time the shares are completed.

Upcoming IPO in India:

Terms that are associated with IPO

To have an understanding of IPO it is imperative that one is familiar with the most basic terms that are used in the process. A few of the most utilized terms include:

Terms that are associated with IPO

A person who is an issuer may be called a company or firm which plans to offer shares on the secondary market to fund its operations.

An underwriter may be a financial institution, banker or merchant banker broker. It helps the business guarantee its stock. Underwriters also agree that they will purchase the remaining shares if the shares offered during IPO do not get picked by investors.

Draft Red Herring Prospectus
A DRHP documents lets the public aware of the company's IPO listings following the approval of SEBI. A DRHP includes the following details concerning the firm

Fixed Price and Price Band
Fixed Price IPO is called the price at which companies decide to set for the initial selling in their share capital.
Price bands can be described as a value-setting technique in which a seller sets an upper and lower price limit, a range in which interested buyers are able to put their bids. The price band is the guide for buyers.

Oversubscription and undersubscription
Under subscription occurs in the event that the number of shares that are being sought is less than the amount of shares offered to the general public.
Oversubscription occurs when the number of shares available to the public is lower than the amount of shares that they have applied to.

Green Shoe Option
Green shoe is an option to buy out. It's an agreement for underwriting which permits an underwriter to offer more shares that were originally scheduled to be sold by the firm. Most often, it occurs when the demand for shares is higher than anticipated. The issuer can issue additional shares on markets that are secondary in the case of an oversubscription.

Book Building
The method by that an underwriter or merchant banker is trying to determine the amount for which an IPO will be made is known as book building. The book is created by an underwriter who presents the bids submitted by the fund and institutional investors managers to determine the number of shares as well as the price they will pay.
Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) are generally thought to be advantageous as they let the issuer expand their equity base as well as increase the visibility and reputation of their company. Additionally investors have the chance to earn substantial profits. However, investors must be on the lookout for the latest IPOs and have a thorough knowledge of how to analyze financial data to spot opportunities.

IPO details are now days easily available online with details like

  • Upcoming ipo 2023
  • IPO Review
  • Best IPO to Buy
  • Best upcoming IPO
  • IPO Subscription Status
  • Best IPO to Invest
  • IPO Tracker
  • IPO Alotment Status
IPO details

So, what are you waiting for: open your Demat account today with the best Demat account broker RKFS and start with your investing journey to create a future for yourselves and your family with financial freedom



What is an IPO in share market?

An initial public offering (IPO) is the process of offering shares to the public in a stock issuance. A company can raise equity capital by way of an IPO.

What is full form on IPO?

Initial public offering

How to apply for ipo? how to invest in ipo? how to buy IPO?

Investor can apply online via a sebi registered broker like RKFS, note that it is mandatory to have a demat account for applying for an IPO. .

When can we apply for an IPO?

You can bid for IPO shares in the leading stock exchanges like NSE and BSE from 10 AM to 5 PM on the working days. You must make sure that the IPO is open to the public.

What is the cut-off price when applying for an IPO online?

The Cut-off price in an IPO is referred to as the sale price of a particular share set by the issuing company. The issue price of the share depends upon its demand during the IPO bidding.

What is an IPO account?

An IPO account helps institutional investors and retail investors to take part in various IPO investments. You need to have a Demat account to apply to an IPO.

What is GMP in IPO?

GMP and the impact of IPO Listings. The Grey market Premium, which investors pay over the issue price, is also known as GMP.

How to check ipo allotment status? how to check ipo allotment.

Investors can check online or with the broker through whom they applied for the IPO.

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